Best of C Language MCQ Level UP

Hey there, future coder! Ready to dive into the world of C language? It’s like the superhero of programming languages, and we’re here to guide you through the essentials.

This article is just the beginning, Part 1 of our journey into the coolest stuff in C. We’ll break down the basics, from simple things like variables to the not-so-scary world of loops. Whether you’re just starting or leveling up your skills, we’ve got your back.

So, buckle up! Let’s make coding fun and easy as we explore the key elements of the C language together. Ready, set, code! ????

C Language MCQ

Welcome to your c language part 1

Which of the following is the correct way to define a structure in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; int y = x--; printf("%d", y); return 0; } ```

Which of the following is not a valid way to pass arguments to a function in C?

What is the purpose of the "size of" operator in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include void swap(int a, int b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } int main() { int x = 5, y = 10; swap(x, y); printf("%d %d", x, y); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int a = 5, b = 10; int result = (a > b) ? a : b; printf("%d", result); return 0; } ```

Which of the following is not a valid way to read input from the user in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; int y = 10; int z = x + y++; printf("%d", z); return 0; } ```


Which of the following is not a valid data type in C?

What is the purpose of the "NULL" macro in C?

How do you declare a constant variable in C?

What is the purpose of the "typedef" keyword in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 10; int *ptr = &x; printf("%d", *ptr); return 0; } ```

Which of the following is not a fundamental data type in C?

Which of the following is an invalid identifier in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 10; int *ptr = &x; printf("%p", ptr); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; int y = (x > 10) ? 1 : 0; printf("%d", y); return 0; } ```

Which of the following is not a valid way to initialize an array in C?

27. What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int i = 0; while (i < 5) { printf ("%d ", i++); } return 0; } ```

Which of the following is the correct way to allocate memory for a single integer dynamically in C?

Which of the following is not a valid way to declare a variable in C?

. Which keyword is used to define a function in C that does not return any value?

Which of the following is not a valid way to initialize a string in C?

Which of the following is the correct way to access a structure member in C?

Which of the following is not a valid way to write a comment in C?

What is the file extension of a C source code file?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("%d ", i); } return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; printf("%d", *arr); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int *ptr = arr; printf("%d", *(ptr + 2)); return 0; } ```

What is the purpose of the "static" keyword in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; int *ptr = &x; (*ptr)++; printf("%d", x); return 0; } ```

Which of the following functions is used to convert a string to an integer in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; int y = (x < 10) ? x++ : x--; printf("%d", y); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 10; int *ptr = &x; printf("%p", &ptr); return 0; } ```

Which of the following is the correct way to define a constant in C?

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; printf("%d", sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; printf("%f", x); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int *ptr = &arr[2]; printf("%d", *ptr); return 0; } ```

What is the output of the following code snippet? ```c #include int main() { int x = 5; printf("%d", x++); return 0; } ```

Which of the following is not a valid way to close a file in C?

Questions and Answer

What is the syntax to include a header file in C?

To include a header file in C, use the “#include” directive followed by the name of the header file enclosed in angle brackets or double quotation marks. For example: “#include ” or “#include “myheader.h”.

How do you declare a variable in C?

To declare a variable in C, specify its data type followed by the variable’s name. For example, to declare an integer variable named “num”, use “int num;”. You can also assign an initial value like “int num = 5;”.

What is the purpose of the ‘printf’ function in C?

The ‘printf’ function in C is used to display formatted output on the screen or console. It allows you to print text, numbers, and variables in a specified format. You can use placeholders like ‘%d’ for integers, ‘%f’ for floating-point numbers, and ‘%s’ for strings. ‘printf’ is commonly used to show messages, display calculated results, or provide user prompts in a C program. It helps in communicating with the user and presenting information in a readable manner.

How do you define a constant in C?

To define a constant in C, use the ‘const’ keyword followed by the data type and the constant name. Assign a value to the constant, which cannot be changed during program execution. For example, to define a constant named ‘PI’ with a value of 3.1415, use ‘const float PI = 3.1415;’. Constants are useful for storing values that remain fixed throughout the program, such as mathematical constants, configuration parameters, or predefined values that should not be modified.

What is the difference between ‘int’ and ‘float’ data types in C?

‘int’ Data Type‘float’ Data Type
Used for storing whole numbers.Used for storing decimal numbers.
Examples: 1, 10, -5, 0Examples: 3.14, -0.5, 2.0, 1.75
Does not allow decimal places.Allows decimal places and fractions.
Suitable for counting and indexing.Suitable for measurements and calculations.
Limited range of values.Wider range of values but limited precision.

How do you declare and initialize an array in C?

To declare and initialize an array in C, specify the data type of the array elements followed by the array name and the size of the array in square brackets. To initialize the array with values, enclose the values within curly braces, separated by commas. For example, to declare and initialize an integer array named “numbers” with three elements containing the values 1, 2, and 3, use “int numbers[3] = {1, 2, 3};”. The size of the array determines the number of elements it can hold, and the index starts from 0.

What is the ‘sizeof’ operator used for in C?

The ‘sizeof’ operator in C is used to determine the size in bytes of a data type or variable. It allows you to get the memory size occupied by a particular object or data type at runtime. For example, ‘sizeof(int)’ will return the size of the integer in bytes. It helps to allocate memory dynamically, Calculating offsets, and ensuring proper memory management. The result of ‘sizeof’ is an unsigned integer value and can be used to ensure portability of code across different systems.

How do you declare a function in C?

To declare a function in C, specify the return type of the function followed by the function name and parentheses. Inside the parentheses, list the data types and names of the parameters (if any) that the function accepts. For example, to declare a function named “addNumbers” that returns an integer and takes two integer parameters, use “int addNumbers(int num1, int num2);”.

What is the purpose of the ‘scanf’ function in C?

The ‘scanf’ function in C is used to read input from a user or specified input stream. It allows the program to obtain values ​​for variables during runtime. By specifying the format of the expected input, ‘scanf’ can retrieve data from the user or a file and store it in variables, enabling interactive and dynamic behavior in C programs.

What is the ‘if’ statement used for in C?

The ‘if’ statement in C is used for conditional execution. This allows you to test a condition and execute a block of code only if the condition is true. It provides a way to make decisions in a program based on certain conditions, thereby enabling different paths of execution depending on the outcome of the condition.

int num = 10;
if (num > 0) {
printf(“The number is positive.”);

How do you use the ‘for’ loop in C?

The ‘for’ loop in C is used to repeatedly execute a block of code for a specific number of iterations. It consists of three parts: initialization, condition, and update. Here’s the simple syntax:

for (initialization; condition; update) {
    // Code to be executed in each iteration

The ‘initialization’ part is executed once at the beginning. The ‘condition’ is checked before each iteration, and if true, the code block is executed. After each iteration, the ‘update’ part is executed. The loop continues until the condition becomes false.

What is the difference between ‘while’ and ‘do-while’ loops in C?

‘while’ Loop‘do-while’ Loop
The condition is checked before each loop iteration. If false initially, the loop may not execute.The loop body is executed first, then the condition is checked. The loop always executes at least once.
Example: while (condition) { }Example: do { } while (condition);
Suitable when the loop may not need to be executed at all based on the initial condition.Suitable when you want to ensure the loop body executes at least once before checking the condition.
Condition can be false initially, skipping the loop entirely.The loop body executes first, guaranteeing at least one iteration.
Condition check occurs at the beginning of the loop.Condition check occurs at the end of the loop.

What is the purpose of the ‘break’ statement in C?

The ‘break’ statement in C is used to prematurely terminate the execution of a loop or switch statement. When encountered, the ‘break’ statement causes immediate exit from the innermost loop or switch block, allowing the program to continue executing statements after the loop or switch. This is useful for early termination of a loop based on certain conditions or for skipping the rest of the cases in a switch statement. ‘break’ helps to control the flow of execution and avoids unnecessary iterations or evaluations.

How do you pass arguments to a function in C?

To pass arguments to a function in C, include the data types and names of the arguments within parentheses when declaring the function. When calling a function, provide the corresponding values ​​for the arguments in the same order.For example, if a function named “addNumbers” takes two integer arguments, you can call it as “addNumbers(5, 10);” where 5 and 10 are the values passed as arguments. The function can then use these values to perform computations or manipulate data within its code block.

What is the purpose of the ‘return’ statement in C?

The ‘return’ statement in C is used to terminate the execution of a function and return a value to the caller. It allows the function to send back a result or data to the part of the program that called it. The ‘return’ statement is typically followed by an expression that represents the value to be returned. This value can be used by the caller to perform further operations or assignments. ‘return’ helps in modular programming by enabling functions to provide output and contribute to the overall program logic.

What is a pointer in C?

A pointer in C is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. It allows direct access and manipulation of memory locations. By using pointers, you can dynamically allocate memory, pass variables by reference, and work with data structures like arrays and linked lists efficiently. Pointers enable more flexibility and control over memory management, making them a powerful feature in C programming.

How do you allocate memory dynamically in C?

In C, you can allocate memory dynamically using the ‘malloc’ function. The ‘malloc’ function allows you to allocate a specific amount of memory during program execution. The syntax is:

data_type *pointer_name;
pointer_name = (data_type *) malloc(size_in_bytes);

The ‘malloc’ function returns a void pointer, so you need to cast it to the desired data type. After allocation, you can use the pointer to access and manipulate the dynamically allocated memory. Remember to free the memory using ‘free’ when you’re done using it.

What is the difference between ‘malloc’ and ‘calloc’ functions in C?

Allocates memory without initializing it.Allocates and initializes memory to zero.
Memory contents are not set to a specific value.Memory contents are set to zero for each byte.
Requires manual initialization if needed.Automatically initializes memory to zero.
Example: malloc(size)Example: calloc(num_elements, element_size)
Suitable for allocating memory quickly.Suitable for initializing arrays and structures.

How do you free memory in C?

To free memory in C, use the ‘free’ function. Pass the pointer to the memory block that was previously allocated using ‘malloc’, ‘calloc’, or ‘realloc’. For example, if you have a pointer named ‘ptr’ that points to a dynamically allocated memory block, use ‘free(ptr);’ to release the memory. It’s important to free the memory when it’s no longer needed to avoid memory leaks and ensure efficient memory management.

What is the purpose of the ‘typedef’ keyword in C?

The ‘typedef’ keyword in C is used to create a new name or alias for an existing data type. It allows you to define custom names for data types, making the code more readable and portable. With ‘typedef’, you can create shorter, more descriptive names for complex data types, structures or function pointers. This simplifies code maintenance and improves code clarity by removing the implementation details of complex types.

How do you define a structure in C?

To define a structure in C, use the ‘struct’ keyword followed by the structure name and a set of braces. Inside the braces, specify the members of the structure, each with its own data type and name. For example, to define a structure named “Person” with members “name” and “age”, use:

struct Person {
    char name[50];
    int age;

This creates a structure template that can be used to declare variables of type “Person” and access its members.

How do you access structure members in C?

To access structure members in C, use the dot (.) operator. First, declare a variable of struct type. Then, use the variable name followed by the dot operator and the member name to access its value. For example, if you have a structure named “Person” with a member “name”, you can access it like this: “”. This allows you to retrieve or modify the values ​​of individual members within a structure.

What is the purpose of the ‘enum’ keyword in C?

The ‘enum’ keyword in C is used to define a set of named integer constants. This allows you to create user-defined data types with a limited set of possible values. By assigning names to values, ‘enum’ improves code readability and makes it easier to understand the purpose of constants. It provides a convenient way to work with groups of related constants of the same type, which increases code organization and maintainability.

How do you use the ‘switch’ statement in C?

To use the ‘switch’ statement in C, specify an expression inside parentheses. This expression is then compared with the values ​​of the ‘case’ labels. If a match is found, the code block following that ‘case’ label is executed. Use ‘break’ to exit the switch block. Optionally, include a ‘default’ label to execute code when a ‘case’ expression does not match.

What is the purpose of the ‘continue’ statement in C?

The ‘continue’ statement in C is used to skip the rest of the code in the current iteration of a loop and move on to the next iteration. When encountered, it immediately proceeds to check the loop condition, bypassing any remaining statements within the loop body. This allows you to selectively skip iterations based on specific conditions. ‘continue’ is useful for controlling the flow of loops and avoiding the execution of unnecessary code, improving program efficiency.