Excel Formula for Day of Week: A Comprehensive Guide

excel formula for day of week

Are you tired of manually setting the day of the week for a given date in Excel? look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the Excel formula for day of the week, allowing you to easily access this information with just a few clicks. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Excel user, this guide will walk you through the process Step by Step. So let’s delve deeper and discover the power of Excel’s Day of the Week formula!

Understanding Excel Formula for Day of Week

Before we get into Excel formulas, let’s take a moment to understand what the day of the week represents. The day of the week tells on which day of a seven-day week cycle a particular date falls. In most cases, the week starts on Sunday (day 1) and ends on Saturday (day 7). Knowing the day of the week can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as scheduling appointments, analyzing trends, or organizing events.

Excel’s WEEKDAY Function

In Excel, the WEEKDAY function is the key to get the day of the week for a given date. This function returns a number from 1 to 7 that represents the day of the Week for a specific date. By understanding the syntax and usage of the WEEKDAY function, you will be able to Implement it effectively in your Excel worksheets.

Syntax and Usage of the WEEKDAY Function

To use the WEEKDAY function in Excel, you must supply a date value as an argument. The syntax for the WEEKDAY function is as Follows:


“Serial_Number” represents the date for which you Want to set the day of the Week. It can be Entered directly as a date Value or as a Reference to a Cell containing the date. The optional “return_type” argument allows you to Customize the output of the function, by changing the numbering system and the Starting Day of the Week.

Applying the WEEKDAY Function

To apply the WEEKDAY function, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want the result to appear.
  2. Type the formula =WEEKDAY(serial_number,[return_type]), replacing “serial_number” with the cell reference or the date value.
  3. Press Enter to get the day of the week.

Customizing the Return Type

By default, the WEEKDAY function returns the numbers 1 through 7, representing Sunday through Saturday. However, you can modify the return type to suit your specific needs. Here are the available options for the “return_type” argument:

  • Returns numbers from 1 to 7, where Sunday is represented by 1 (default).
  • Returns numbers from 1 to 7, where Monday is represented by 1.
  • Returns numbers from 0 to 6, where Sunday is represented by 0.
  • Returns numbers from 1 to 7, where Monday is represented by 1, and Sunday by 7.
  • Returns numbers from 1 to 7, where Monday is represented by 0, and Sunday by 6

Adjusting the Weekday Start

In some cases, you may need to adjust the starting day of the week to match your regional or personal preference. Excel allows you to set a specific weekday as the start of the week using the “return_type” argument. By Selecting a different “return_type”, you can change the numbering system and the starting day of the week accordingly.

Dealing with Different Date Systems

Excel uses the 1900 date system by default, where the serial number 1 corresponds to January 1, 1900. However, Excel also supports the 1904 date system, which is commonly used on Mac computers. If you’re working with dates before March 1, 1900, or using the 1904 date system, you need to adjust the serial number accordingly to get accurate results.

Handling Textual Representations of the Day of Week

In addition to numeric values, you may also want to display a text representation of the day of the week. Excel provides the TEXT function, which can convert the numeric result from the WEEKDAY function to the corresponding weekday name. By combining these two functions, you can get the desired format for your day of the week representation.

Using the DAY Function with WEEKDAY

Another useful technique is to combine the DAY function with the WEEKDAY function. The DAY function extracts the day value from a given date, which can be used as an argument for the WEEKDAY function. This Approach allows you to get the day of the week Without the need for a Separate cell for date entry

Examples of Excel Formulas for Day of Week

Let’s look at a few examples to see the Excel formula for the day of the week in action:

  1. Example 1: Determining the day of the week for the date in cell A1.
    • Formula: =WEEKDAY(A1)
  2. Example 2: Getting the day of the week with a custom return type, where Monday is represented by 1.
    • Formula: =WEEKDAY(A1,2)
  3. Example 3: Displaying the textual representation of the day of the week for the date in cell A1.
    • Formula: =TEXT(WEEKDAY(A1),"dddd")

Tips and Tricks for Efficient Usage

To increase your productivity when working with the Excel formula for the day of the week, consider the following tips and tricks:

Use absolute cell references when copying the formula to other cells to make sure the correct date is referenced.
Combine the formula with conditional formatting to visually highlight specific days or days of the week.
Implement error handling techniques to gracefully handle invalid or missing dates.
Use the array formula feature for advanced calculations involving multiple dates.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

While using the Excel formula for Day of the Week, you may encounter some common errors. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you solve them:

#Name? Error: This error occurs when Excel does not recognize the WEEKDAY function. Make sure that you have spelled the function correctly and that you are using it within a valid formula.

Wrong day of the week: If the returned day of the week doesn’t match what you expected, double-check the date value or cell reference used as the argument. Make sure it is formatted correctly as a date and does not contain any errors.

Incorrect return type: If you are getting unexpected results or different numbering for the days of the week, review the “return_type” argument. Make sure you choose the appropriate value to match your desired numbering system and starting day.

Date System Compatibility: If you are working with dates outside the range of the 1900 date system or using the 1904 date system, make sure you adjust the serial numbers accordingly. Incorrect date system may result in wrong day of the week.

If you encounter any other errors or problems, refer to Excel’s built-in Help resources or consult online forums for further assistance.

Best Practices for Working with Day of Week Formulas

To get the most out of the Excel formula for the day of the week, consider the following best practices:

  • Organize your data consistently, using proper date formats and avoiding mixed data types.
  • Use named ranges to enhance the readability and maintainability of your formulas.
  • Document your worksheet by adding comments or annotations to explain the purpose and use of formulas.
  • Review and verify your formulas regularly to make sure they are working correctly as your data evolves.

By following these best practices, you can Maintain accurate and reliable day-of-the-week calculations in your Excel worksheet.

Conclusion : Excel Formula for Day of Week

Finally, the Excel Formula for Day of the Week provides a powerful tool for automating the process of determining which day of the week corresponds to a specific date. By taking advantage of the WEEKDAY function and customizing its settings, you can easily get a numeric or textual representation of the day of the week. Remember to use proper error handling techniques and consider compatibility with different date systems for accurate results.
Now that you have a solid understanding of the Excel formula for the day of the week, why wait? Start using this valuable feature in your Excel spreadsheets and save time and effort in manual calculations. Excel Formula for Day of Week

Q1: Can I use the Excel formula for the day of the week in Google Sheets?

Yes, Google Sheets also supports the WEEKDAY function, so you can get the day of the week for a given date in a similar way to Excel.

Q2: Can I combine the day of the week formula with other Excel functions?

Absolutely! Excel’s formula capabilities are vast, and you can Combine Day-of-the-week formulas with other functions like IF, VLOOKUP, or SUMIFS to Create powerful Calculations and analyses Based on Specific days of the week.

Q3: How can I apply conditional formatting based on the day of the week?

To highlight cells or apply certain formatting based on the day of the week, you can use conditional formatting rules in excel. You can create visual cues for different days or days of the week by referencing a Formula for the Day of the week within a Conditional formatting rule.

Q4: Is there a limit to the number of dates I can calculate the day of the week for?

Excel’s formulas are designed to handle Large amounts of data. You can use a Day-of-the-week formula for Thousands or Millions of Dates Without any significant Performance Issues.

Q5: Can I use the day of the week formula with non-standard week formats?

Yes, by adjusting the “return_type” argument, you can Accommodate different numbering Systems and Start days of the week. This Flexibility Allows you to work with non-standard week formats as Needed.