Excel Interview Questions: Ace Your Excel Job Interview with Key Insights

Introduction to MS Excel MCQs refers to a set of multiple choice questions related to the basic concepts and features of Microsoft Excel. These questions are designed to assess an individual’s knowledge and understanding of using Excel, a popular spreadsheet software.

Excel Interview Questions usually present a question or statement followed by a list of options or alternatives. The candidate is required to select the correct answer from the given options.

Excel Interview Questions

Welcome to your learningsector21 : Excel MCQ Part - 2

Which option in Excel allows you to convert text to lowercase?

Which function in Excel is used to concatenate multiple text strings into one?

Which option in Excel allows you to apply a specific number format to a cell?

Which function in Excel is used to round a number to the nearest integer or specified decimal places?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to select the entire column in Excel?

Which Excel feature is used to create a chart or graph based on selected data?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to select the entire worksheet in Excel?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the Format Cells dialog box in Excel?

Which option in Excel allows you to merge multiple cells into one?

Which function in Excel is used to count the number of cells in a range that meet a specified condition?

Which Excel feature is used to apply a specific format to a cell based on its value or condition?

Which option in Excel allows you to change the font style of a cell?

Which option in Excel allows you to split text into separate columns based on a delimiter?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the square root of a number?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the sum of a range of cells, excluding hidden rows or columns?

Which Excel feature is used to group and summarize data based on specified criteria?

Which option in Excel allows you to insert a line break within a cell?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to save the current workbook in Excel?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the difference between two dates?

Which Excel feature is used to sort data in ascending or descending order?

Which option in Excel allows you to create a drop-down list in a cell?

Which option in Excel allows you to insert a hyperlink to a webpage or file?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the Excel Help window?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the internal rate of return for an investment?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the net present value of an investment?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the sum of a range of cells, excluding specified criteria?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to select non-adjacent cells or ranges in Excel?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to select the entire worksheet in Excel?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to insert the current date in a cell in Excel?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the average of a range of cells, including numbers, text, and logical values?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to delete a selected column in Excel?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the total number of cells in a range that contain numbers?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the median of a range of cells?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the factorial of a number plus 1?

Which option in Excel allows you to resize the width of multiple columns to fit the contents?

Which Excel feature is used to calculate the present value of an investment?

Which option in Excel allows you to insert the file path and name into a cell?

Which option in Excel allows you to apply a border around a selected range of cells?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to copy the selected cells in Excel?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the average of a range of cells, excluding blank cells?

Which option in Excel allows you to apply a specific font color to a cell?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the sum of a range of cells, including only numbers and ignoring text or blank cells?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to undo the last action in Excel?

Which Excel function is used to calculate the largest value in a range of cells?

Which keyboard shortcut is used to select all cells in a worksheet in Excel?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the product of a range of cells?

Which option in Excel allows you to insert the current time in a header or footer?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the tangent of an angle?

Which Excel feature is used to freeze rows or columns so that they remain visible while scrolling?

Which function in Excel is used to calculate the cosine of an angle?

Excel MCQ Questions with Answers

Go More MCQ Questions

20 more questions and answers on Excel Charts and Graphs, Advanced Excel Features, and Tips and Tricks for Excel Users:

Q: How do you create a bar chart in Excel?

A: To create a bar chart in Excel, select the data range you want to include in the chart and go to the Insert tab. Choose the “Bar” chart type from the Charts group.

Q: What is the purpose of a line chart in Excel?

A: A line chart in Excel is used to display trends over time or continuous data. It is useful for showing the relationship between variables.

Q: How do you change the chart type in Excel?

A: To change the chart type in Excel, select the chart, go to the Design tab, and click on the “Change Chart Type” button. Choose the desired chart type from the list.

Q: What is a pivot chart in Excel?

A: A pivot chart in Excel is a graphical representation of the data in a pivot table. It allows you to visualize and analyze data from different perspectives.

Q: How do you add data labels to a chart in Excel?

A: To add data labels to a chart, select the chart, go to the Design tab, and click on the “Add Chart Element” button. Choose “Data Labels” and select the desired position.

Q: What is conditional formatting for charts in Excel?

A: Conditional formatting for charts in Excel allows you to apply formatting rules based on specific conditions to highlight data points or series in a chart.

Q: How do you create a combo chart in Excel?

A: To create a combo chart in Excel, select the data range you want to include in the chart, go to the Insert tab, and choose the desired chart type from the Charts group. Then, select the remaining data and choose a different chart type. Excel will create a combo chart with multiple chart types.

Q: What are sparklines in Excel?

A: Sparklines in Excel are small, condensed charts that fit within a single cell. They provide a visual representation of data trends, such as line sparklines for trends over time or column sparklines for comparisons.

Q: How do you protect a worksheet in Excel?

A: To protect a worksheet in Excel, go to the Review tab, click on the “Protect Sheet” button, and set a password if desired. This prevents unauthorized changes to the worksheet structure or contents.

Q: What is the purpose of data validation in Excel?

A: Data validation in Excel allows you to control the type and range of data entered into cells. It helps maintain data integrity and consistency.

Q: How do you create a drop-down list in Excel?

A: To create a drop-down list in Excel, select the cells where you want the list, go to the Data tab, click on the “Data Validation” button, choose “List” as the validation criteria, and specify the source of the list values.

Q: What is a named range in Excel?

A: A named range in Excel is a defined name assigned to a range of cells. It allows you to refer to the range by its name rather than the cell references.

Q: How do you use the VLOOKUP function in Excel?

A: The VLOOKUP function in Excel is used to search for a value in the leftmost column of a table and return a corresponding value from a specified column. You provide the lookup value, the table range, the column index, and optionally specify whether to perform an approximate or exact match.

Q: What is the purpose of the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel?

A: The INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel are used together to perform more flexible lookup operations than VLOOKUP. INDEX returns the value from a specified row and column, while MATCH finds the position of a value within a range.

Q: How do you create a pivot table in Excel?

A: To create a pivot table in Excel, select the data range you want to analyze, go to the Insert tab, and click on the “PivotTable” button. Choose the destination location for the pivot table and select the fields to include.

Q: What is a slicer in Excel?

A: A slicer in Excel is a visual filtering interface that allows you to easily filter data in a pivot table or pivot chart. It provides buttons or sliders to select or deselect items.

Q: How do you enable iterative calculations in Excel?

A: To enable iterative calculations in Excel, go to the File tab, choose “Options,” and select the “Formulas” category. Check the box for “Enable iterative calculations” and specify the maximum number of iterations and the desired precision.

Q: What are some keyboard shortcuts in Excel?

A: Some common keyboard shortcuts in Excel include Ctrl+C for copy, Ctrl+V for paste, Ctrl+Z for undo, Ctrl+S for save, Ctrl+F for find, and F2 to edit a cell.

Q: How do you split text into columns in Excel?

A: To split text into columns in Excel, select the cells with the text, go to the Data tab, click on the “Text to Columns” button, choose the delimiter or fixed width option, and specify the column format.

Q: What is the purpose of the Quick Analysis tool in Excel?

A: The Quick Analysis tool in Excel provides a shortcut to apply formatting, create charts, generate formulas, and perform data analysis tasks. It offers various options based on the selected data range.

Excel MCQ Questions