how to crop in photoshop

crop in photoshop

Image Crop in Photoshop  is a fundamental editing technique that allows you to remove unwanted areas and focus on the most essential elements of your photo. Whether you want to improve composition, resize an image, or remove distractions, Photoshop offers several methods for accurately cropping your images. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore different ways to crop and create visually appealing and well-composed photos or designs in Photoshop.

Method 1: Using the Crop Tool || Crop in photoshop

Open the image in Photoshop. Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the image you want to crop.

  • Select the Crop tool: From the left sidebar, select the Crop tool (shortcut: C). Tool options will appear on the top menu.
  • Adjust crop area: Click and drag on the image to select the area you want to keep. Handles will appear at the corners and edges of the selection.
  • Refine the selection: To refine the selection, use the handles to adjust the crop area. You can maintain the original aspect ratio by holding down the “Shift” key while dragging the corner handles.
  • Rotate the crop area (optional): If necessary, you can rotate the crop area by moving the cursor outside the crop box until it becomes a curved double-arrow, then click to rotate and Drag
  • Finalize the crop: Once you are satisfied with the selection, press “Enter” to apply the crop. The image will be cropped accordingly.
  • Save the cropped image: After reviewing the changes, save the cropped image by going to File > Save or using the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

Method 2: Using the Crop Tool with Ratio || crop in photoshop

Open the image in Photoshop. As usual, Open the image you want to edit in Photoshop.

  • Select the Crop Tool: Select the Crop Tool (shortcut: C) from the left Sidebar.
  • Set aspect ratio: In the top menu, choose an aspect ratio from the dropdown list (eg, 4×6, 5×7, 16×9) or input a custom value.
  • Create Crop Selection: Click and drag the image to create a crop selection with the chosen aspect ratio.
  • Adjust the crop area: If necessary, use the handles to adjust the Crop area, or hold Down Shift to maintain the aspect ratio while resizing.
  • Apply Crop: Press “Enter” to apply the crop, and the Image will be cropped to the specified aspect ratio.

Save the cropped image: Save the cropped image after making sure it meets your needs.

Method 3: Using the Marquee Selection || crop in photoshop

Open the image in Photoshop. As usual, open your image in Photoshop.

  • Select the Marquee Tool: From the left sidebar, select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (shortcut: M).
  • Create a crop selection: Click and drag on the image to create a rectangular selection of the area you want to keep.
  • Adjust the selection: Use the handles to adjust the selection if necessary.
  • Crop the image: To crop the image based on the marquee selection, go to Image > Crop or press “Ctrl + Shift + C” (Windows) or “Cmd + Shift + C” (Mac).
  • Save cropped image: After reviewing the changes, save the cropped image. “Crop in photoshop”


Crop in photoshop is a simple yet powerful technique that allows you to improve your images by removing unnecessary elements and focusing on the main subject. Whether you prefer to use the crop tool, the crop tool with proportions, or the marquee selection, each method provides flexibility and precision in cropping your images for a variety of purposes, including social media posts, websites, or print materials.