How to Replace a Color in Photoshop

Replace a Color in Photoshop

A color transform in Photoshop or Replace a Color in Photoshop lets you modify specific colors in an image, making it a valuable technique for correcting color casts, changing object colors, or adding creative effects, Whether you want to adjust the color of an object in a photo or change the entire color scheme, Photoshop offers a variety of ways to achieve this with precision and ease. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore different techniques for Replace a Color in Photoshop and giving your images a fresh and vibrant look.

Method 1: Using the Replace Color Tool ||Replace a Color in Photoshop

Open the image in Photoshop. Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the image you want to edit.

  • Choose the Replace Color tool: From the left sidebar, choose the Eyedropper tool (shortcut: I). Right-click on it to access the fly-out menu and select “Change Color”.
  • Select a color to replace: Click a color in the image you want to replace. The selected color will appear in the “Color” box in the Replace Color dialog.
  • Adjust fuzziness: Use the “Fuzziness” slider to control the range of colors affected by the replacement. A lower value will only target the exact color, while a higher value will include similar colors.
  • Choose a new color: Click the “Results” box in the Replace Color dialog, and a color picker will appear. Select the new color you want to replace the original color with.
  • Preview Changes: Check the “Preview” option to see a preview of the color replacement. Adjust the fuzziness and new color until you’re satisfied with the result.
  • Apply Color Replacement: Click “OK” to apply the color replacement to the image.
  • Save the edited image: After reviewing the changes, save the edited image by going to File > Save or by using the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

Method 2: Using Adjustment Layers || Replace a Color in Photoshop

Open the image in Photoshop. As usual, open the image you want to edit in Photoshop.

  • Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer: In the Layers panel, click the “Create a New Adjustment Layer” button (the half-black, half-white circle) and choose “Hue/Saturation.”
  • Target a specific color range: In the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer properties, click the drop-down menu that says “Master” and choose the specific color range you want to modify (eg, red, blue, green).
  • Adjust the Hue slider: Move the Hue slider to change the hue of the selected color range. Slide it left or right until you get the desired color.
  • Refine the selection: Use the “eyedropper” icon in Properties to fine-tune the selection by clicking on the color in the image you want to change.
  • Adjust Saturation and Lightness (optional): If necessary, you can also adjust the Saturation and Lightness sliders to further refine the color replacement.
  • Save the edited image: After making sure that the color change is as desired, save the edited image.

Method 3: Using Color Blending Modes || Replace a Color in Photoshop

Open the image in Photoshop. As usual, open your image in Photoshop.

  • Create a new layer: In the Layers panel, click the “Create a New Layer” button to add a new layer.
  • Choose the Brush Tool: Choose the Brush Tool (shortcut: B) and set the Foreground Color to the new color you want to use.
  • Paint over the area: On a new layer, use the Brush tool to paint over the area with the new color. This will replace the original color with the new color.
  • Adjust Opacity (optional): If the new color appears too intense, you can lower the opacity of the new layer in the Layers panel.
  • Save edited image: Save the edited image after reviewing the changes.


Inverting colors in Photoshop is a versatile and Powerful technique that allows you to change the look of your images with just a few simple steps. Whether you prefer to use the Replace Color tool, Adjustment Layers, or Color Blending Mode, each method offers a Unique approach to replacing colors with precision and creativity. By mastering these techniques, you can take your photo editing and design projects to the next level and Create stunning and captivating visuals. “Replace a Color in Photoshop”