InDesign Shortcut: Boost Your Workflow

Hey design enthusiasts! Ready to make Adobe InDesign your design haven? We’re about to explore the world of InDesign Shortcuts Keys – more than 100 secret tricks to make your design life a breeze.

Whether you’re a design pro or just getting started, these shortcuts are like magic spells that make InDesign do exactly what you want. This guide is your ticket to making your design work faster, smoother, and way more fun.

Join us as we uncover these shortcuts that turn you into an InDesign wizard. From basic tools to fancy design moves, we’ve got it all covered. Let’s make your design journey super easy! ????????

Formatting InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + >
2Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift + <
3Flush leftCtrl + Shift + L
4Flush RightCtrl + Shift + R
5CenterCtrl + Shift + C
6JustifyCtrl + Shift + J
7BoldCtrl + Shift + B
8ItalicCtrl + Shift + I
9UnderlineCtrl + Shift + U

File Menu InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1New fileCtrl + N
2Open fileCtrl + O
3Close windowCtrl + W
4Open in BridgeCtrl + Alt + O
5PlaceCtrl + D
6Save asCtrl + Shift + S
7SaveCtrl + S
8PrintCtrl + P
9Page SetupCtrl + Alt + P
10PackageCtrl + Shift + Alt + P
11Quit ApplicationCtrl + Q
12ExportCtrl + E

Edit Menu InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1UndoCtrl + Z
2RedoCtrl + Shift + Z
3CutCtrl + X
4CopyCtrl + C
5PasteCtrl + V
6Paste without FormattingCtrl + Shift + V
7Select allCtrl + A
8Deselect allCtrl + Shift + A
9Find/changeCtrl + F
10Check to spellCtrl + I
11Paste in placeCtrl + Shift + Alt + V
12Paste infoCtrl + Alt + V
13DuplicateCtrl + Shift + Alt + D
14Edit in story editorCtrl + Y
15Check outCtrl + F9
16Check-inCtrl + Shift + F9
17Quick ApplyCtrl + Enter
18Update contentCtrl + F5

Layout Menu InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1Go to pageCtrl + J
2Add pageCtrl + Shift + P
3Previous spreadAlt + Page Up
4Next spreadAlt + Page Down

Object Menu InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1Transform againCtrl + Alt + 4
2GroupCtrl + G
3UnGroupCtrl + Shift + G
4Compound pathCtrl + 8
5Drop shadowCtrl + Alt + M
6Center contentCtrl + Shift + E
7Fill frame proportionallyCtrl + Shift + Alt + C
8Bring to frontCtrl + Shift + [
9Send to BackCtrl + Shift + ]
10Text frame optionsCtrl + B

View Menu InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1Smart GuidesCtrl + U
2GuidesCtrl + ;
3High-Quality DisplayCtrl + Alt + H
4Text ThreadsCtrl + Alt + Y
5Frame edgesCtrl + H
6RulersCtrl + R
7Actual sizeCtrl + 1
8200% sizeCtrl + 2
9400% sizeCtrl + 4
1050% sizeCtrl + 5
11Set the Presentation background to blackB
12Set the Presentation background to grayG
13Set the Presentation background to whiteW
14Show Cyan plateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 1
15Show Magenta plateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 2
16Show Yellow plateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 3
17Show Black PlateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 4
18Show 1st spot plateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 5
19Show 2nd spot plateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 6
20Show 3rd spot plateCtrl + Shift + Alt + 7
21Show All PlatesCtrl + Shift + Alt + ‘

Panels InDesign Shortcuts

DescriptionShortcut Keys
4Paragraph stylesF11
5Character stylesShift + F11
6Text wrapCtrl + Alt + W
7LinksCtrl + Shift + D
9CharacterCtrl + T
10ControlCtrl + Alt + 6
11Object StylesCtrl + F7
13Paragraph StylesF11
14IndexShift + F8
15TablesShift + F9
16ScriptsCtrl + Alt + F11

Type Menu InDesign Shortcut

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1TabsCtrl + Shift + T
2GlyphsAlt + Shift + F11
3Forced link breakShift + Enter
4Hidden CharactersCtrl + Alt + I

Tools InDesign Shortcut

ToolShortcut Keys
1Selection toolV
2Direct selection toolA
3Magic wind toolY
4Lasso toolQ
5Pen toolP
6Add anchor point tool+
7Delete anchor point tool
8Type toolT
9Line segment tool\
10Rectangle toolM
11Ellipse toolL
12Paintbrush toolB
13Pencil toolN
14Rotate toolR
15Reflect toolO
16Scale toolS
17Free Transform toolE
18Column graph toolJ
19Mesh toolU
20Gradient toolG
21Eyedropper toolI
22Blend toolW
23Zoom toolZ
24Hand toolH
25Scissors toolC
26Blob brush toolShift + B
27Convert anchor point toolShift + C
28Warp toolShift + R
29Width toolShift + W
30Shape builder toolShift + M
31Perspective grid toolShift + P
32Perspective selection toolShift + V
33Symbol sprayer toolShift + S
34Eraser toolShift + E
35Slice toolShift + K
36Live Paint Selection toolShift + L

Zoom InDesign Shortcut

DescriptionShortcut Keys
1Drag the mouse to ZoomCtrl + Spacebar
2Fit Page in viewCtrl + 0
3Fit Spread in ViewCtrl + Alt + 0
4Zoom inCtrl + +
5Zoom outCtrl + –

Alright, design buddies, you’ve got the lowdown on InDesign Shortcut Keys! These aren’t just random keys; they’re like magic buttons making your design adventures a whole lot easier.

With these shortcuts in your toolkit, designing isn’t just designing—it’s designing like a boss. Whether you’re a design whiz or just starting, these shortcuts are your secret sauce for creating awesome layouts without any fuss.

So, next time you’re in InDesign, remember these shortcuts. They’re not just tricks; they’re your ticket to designing like a pro. Happy designing, friends! ????????

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