MCQ MS Word: Test Your Knowledge of Microsoft Word

Absolutely! One of the most popular word processing programmes in use today is Microsoft Word. It provides a wide range of tools and functionalities that allow users to efficiently create and modify documents. You have the wonderful chance to put your Microsoft Word skills to the test in this blog post by answering a series of Multiple-Choice questions. Are you prepared to evaluate your MS Word proficiency? Let’s get started!


Welcome to your learningsector21 : MS Word Part -2

Which option allows you to create a mail merge in MS Word?

How can you insert a watermark in MS Word?

Which option allows you to adjust the line spacing in MS Word?

Which tab is used to access the "Mailings" features in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the page borders in MS Word?

How can you insert a header or footer in MS Word?

How can you insert a page number in MS Word?

How can you insert a footnote or endnote in MS Word?

Which option is used to apply a table style in MS Word?

How can you insert a drop cap in MS Word?

How can you change the page orientation to landscape in MS Word?

Which option allows you to insert a cover page in MS Word?

How can you insert a comment in MS Word?

How can you insert a hyperlink in MS Word?

How can you insert a bookmark in MS Word?

Which option allows you to create a bulleted list in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the margins of a document in MS Word?

Which option is used to create a table of contents in MS Word?

How can you change the line spacing to double in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the margins of a document in MS Word?

How can you insert a picture from a file in MS Word?

Which option allows you to create a new blank document in MS Word?

How can you insert a footnote or endnote in MS Word?

How can you remove formatting from selected text in MS Word?

Which option allows you to adjust the line spacing in MS Word?

Which option allows you to insert a cover page in MS Word?

Which option allows you to create a new blank document in MS Word?

Which option allows you to insert a cover page in MS Word?

How can you align text vertically within a cell in MS Word?

Which option allows you to create a bulleted list in MS Word?

How can you change the font color of selected text in MS Word?

Which option allows you to create a new paragraph style in MS Word?

How can you insert a page break in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the page size in MS Word?

How can you change the font color of selected text in MS Word?

Which option allows you to track changes and comments in MS Word?

Which option is used to create a table of contents in MS Word?

Which option allows you to track changes and comments in MS Word?

How can you insert a header or footer in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the case of selected text to sentence case in MS Word?

How can you insert a page break in MS Word?

How can you remove formatting from selected text in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the indentation of a paragraph in MS Word?

How can you insert a bookmark in MS Word?

How can you insert a bookmark in MS Word?

Which option allows you to change the case of selected text to sentence case in MS Word?

How can you insert a drop cap in MS Word?

Which option allows you to insert a shape in MS Word?

How can you insert a table of figures in MS Word?

How can you change the page orientation to landscape in MS Word?

MS Word MCQ Part – 1

MS WORD Question and Answer

Q: What is Microsoft Word?

A: Microsoft Word is a word processing software developed by Microsoft.

Q: What is the file extension for Microsoft Word documents?

A: The file extension for Microsoft Word documents is .docx.

Q: How do you open a new blank document in Microsoft Word?

A: You can open a new blank document in Microsoft Word by clicking on the “File” tab, selecting “New,” and choosing “Blank Document.”

Q: How do you save a document in Microsoft Word?

A: You can save a document in Microsoft Word by clicking on the “File” tab, selecting “Save” or “Save As,” and choosing a location to save the file.

Q: What is the purpose of the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Word?

A: The Quick Access Toolbar provides quick access to commonly used commands and functions in Microsoft Word.

Q: How do you change the font in Microsoft Word?

A: To change the font in Microsoft Word, select the text, and use the font drop-down menu on the Home tab to choose a different font.

Q: How do you change the font size in Microsoft Word?

A: To change the font size in Microsoft Word, select the text, and use the font size drop-down menu on the Home tab to select a different size.

Q: How do you make text bold in Microsoft Word?

A: To make text bold in Microsoft Word, select the text and click the “Bold” button on the Home tab or use the Ctrl+B shortcut.

Q: How do you italicize text in Microsoft Word?

A: To italicize text in Microsoft Word, select the text and click the “Italic” button on the Home tab or use the Ctrl+I shortcut.

Q: How do you underline text in Microsoft Word?

A: To underline text in Microsoft Word, select the text and click the “Underline” button on the Home tab or use the Ctrl+U shortcut.

Q: How do you align text in Microsoft Word?

A: To align text in Microsoft Word, select the text and use the alignment buttons on the Home tab to choose left, center, right, or justify alignment.

Q: How do you create bulleted or numbered lists in Microsoft Word?

A: To create bulleted or numbered lists in Microsoft Word, select the text and use the bullets or numbering buttons on the Home tab.

Q: How do you insert a page break in Microsoft Word?

A: To insert a page break in Microsoft Word, place the cursor where you want the page break, and click the “Page Break” button on the Insert tab.

Q: How do you insert a header or footer in Microsoft Word?

A: To insert a header or footer in Microsoft Word, go to the Insert tab and click the “Header” or “Footer” button. Select a predefined format or customize your own.

Q: How do you insert a picture or image in Microsoft Word?

A: To insert a picture or image in Microsoft Word, place the cursor where you want the image, go to the Insert tab, click the “Pictures” button, and select the image from your computer.

Q: How do you insert a table in Microsoft Word?

A: To insert a table in Microsoft Word, go to the Insert tab, click the “Table” button, and choose the number of rows and columns for your table.

Q: How do you change the page orientation in Microsoft Word?

A: To change the page orientation in Microsoft Word, go to the Layout tab, click the “Orientation” button, and select either “Portrait” or “Landscape.”

Q: How do you set page margins in Microsoft Word?

A: To set page margins in Microsoft Word, go to the Layout tab, click the “Margins” button, and select a predefined margin size or customize your own.

Q: How do you use spell check in Microsoft Word?

A: To use spell check in Microsoft Word, click on the “Review” tab, click the “Spelling & Grammar” button, and follow the prompts to check for spelling and grammar errors.

Q: How do you undo or redo an action in Microsoft Word?

A: To undo or redo an action in Microsoft Word, click the “Undo” or “Redo” button on the Quick Access Toolbar or use the Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y shortcuts.

Q: How do you change the line spacing in Microsoft Word?

A: To change the line spacing in Microsoft Word, select the text, go to the Home tab, click the “Line Spacing” button, and choose the desired spacing option.

Q: How do you change the page numbering format in Microsoft Word?

A: To change the page numbering format in Microsoft Word, go to the Insert tab, click the “Page Number” button, and select a predefined format or customize your own.

Q: How do you insert a hyperlink in Microsoft Word?

A: To insert a hyperlink in Microsoft Word, select the text or image you want to turn into a hyperlink, right-click, and choose “Hyperlink.” Enter the URL or browse for the file you want to link to.

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