what is operating system (OS)

Operating system (OS)

An operating system (OS) is a software program that oversees computer hardware resources and furnishes essential services for computer programs.

It is the backbone of a computer system that coordinates the operation of the various hardware components and software applications.

operating system

The working framework is answerable for controlling and allotting assets, for example, memory, computer chip time, and info/yield gadgets. It likewise offers types of assistance to programming applications, like record the executives, security, network correspondence, and UI.

Without a working framework, a PC wouldn’t have the option to perform helpful errands and would basically be an assortment of equipment parts that are not facilitated or made due.

Examples of popular operating systems include Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android, among others. Each operating system has its own unique features and capabilities, but they all share the common purpose of providing a platform for computer users to run applications and perform tasks.

There are several types of operating system examples , including:

  1. Single-user, single-tasking:These are straightforward working frameworks that can run each application in turn, and are ordinarily utilized on little, implanted gadgets.
  2. Single-user, multi-tasking: These operating systems permit a client to run different applications simultaneously, yet just help a solitary client at a time. Models incorporate Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
  3. Multi-user: These operating systems are intended to help various clients all the while, with every client having their own record and information. Models incorporate Unix, Linux, and server variants of Windows.
  4. Real-time: These operating systems are intended for continuous applications, like modern control frameworks and mechanical technology. They are improved for quick reaction times and exact command over equipment.
  5. Embedded: These operating systems are intended to run on little, asset compelled gadgets, for example, cell phones, computerized cameras, and auto frameworks.
  6. Network-oriented operating systems are designed for use on networked computers and typically include features such as file and printer sharing, remote access, and security management
  7. Mobile: These operating systems are intended for use on cell phones, for example, cell phones and tablets. Models incorporate Android and iOS.

Each sort of operating systems has its own one of a kind elements and capacities, which are upgraded for explicit use cases and equipment designs.

windows :-

Windows is an operating system (OS) created by Microsoft Corporation. It is a software program that manages a computer’s hardware resources, software applications, and provides a user interface for users to interact with the computer.

Windows has been generally utilized on PCs (laptops) since the 1990s and is known for its graphical UI (GUI) that incorporates symbols, menus, and windows that can be opened, moved, and resized. Windows upholds a large number of programming applications and gadgets, making it a flexible and broadly utilized working framework.

There are several versions of Windows, including Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, and Windows Vista, each with their own features and functionality. Windows is commonly used for a variety of tasks, such as browsing the internet, creating documents and spreadsheets, playing games, and running specialized software applications.

Here is a list of major versions of the Windows operating system released by Microsoft:

  1. Windows 1.0 (1985)
  2. Windows 2.0 (1987)
  3. Windows 3.0 (1990)
  4. Windows 95 (1995)
  5. Windows 98 (1998)
  6. Windows 2000 (2000)
  7. Windows Me (Millennium Edition) (2000)
  8. Windows XP (2001)
  9. Windows Vista (2006)
  • Windows 7 (2009)
  • Windows 8 (2012)
  • Windows 8.1 (2013)
  • Windows 10 PRO (2015)

  • WINDOWS 11 (September 2021)

Notwithstanding these significant adaptations, Microsoft has likewise delivered a few particular renditions of Windows, for example, Windows Server for server PCs, Windows Inserted for modern gadgets, and Windows Telephone for cell phones.


iOS stands as a mobile operating system crafted by Apple IncIt is exclusively employed on Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices.

iOS is known for its instinctive and easy to understand interface, which incorporates symbols, menus, and contact based signals. The working framework upholds an extensive variety of applications, including online entertainment, diversion, efficiency, and gaming applications.

iOS is also designed to work seamlessly with other Apple products and services, such as iCloud, iMessage, and Siri. The operating system receives regular updates, which often introduce new features and enhancements to the user experience.

iOS is a shut source working framework, implying that its source code isn’t accessible to general society. This permits Apple to keep up with more noteworthy command over the product and equipment environment, which can prompt more prominent dependability and security for clients.

Here is a list of all the major versions of iOS released by Apple Inc:

  1. iPhone OS 1 (2007)
  2. iPhone OS 2 (2008)
  3. iPhone OS 3 (2009)
  4. iOS 4 (2010)
  5. iOS 5 (2011)
  6. iOS 6 (2012)
  7. iOS 7 (2013)
  8. iOS 8 (2014)
  9. iOS 9 (2015)
  10. iOS 10 (2016)
  11. iOS 11 (2017)
  12. iOS 12 (2018)
  13. iOS 13 (2019)
  14. iOS 14 (2020)
  15. iOS 15 (2021)

Each new form of iOS ordinarily acquaints new elements and upgrades with the working framework, like superior execution, new applications and capacities, and refreshed UIs. iOS refreshes are generally accessible free of charge and can be downloaded through the Settings application on viable gadgets.